
Monday, April 23, 2018

MCPS COO Zuckerman Reveals Mineral but Not Supplier, Does Not Address Inhalation or Eye Irritation #zeolite

Montgomery County Public Schools Chief Operating Officer Andrew Zuckerman had the time today to write a 7 paragraph letter regarding the mystery mineral he has chosen for infill on the Whitman High School artificial turf field to be installed this summer.

Mr. Zuckerman wrote 7 paragraphs to announce that he had chosen clinoptilolite zeolite, but in all those 7 paragraphs he did not address the known health hazard information listed on the Materials Safety Sheet for the product he seems to have chosen.

Mr. Zuckerman says the mineral "meets multiple safety standards" but does not name those safety standards.

Mr. Zuckerman says "inaccurate information has been shared."  Yet, as of just 24 hours before the Board of Education vote on this procurement, Mr. Zuckerman has not revealed the name of the supplier of this mineral or the location of the mine where this mineral will be obtained.  No product testing documetation has been made public and the assertion that this has been used in "many" fields around the country is not backed up by any documentation.  What does "many" equate to?  10?

Mr. Zuckerman also mentions that MCPS has done "due diligence."  Due diligence is typically more than a chat at the water cooler.  It is research and analysis.  Let's see the due diligence that Mr. Zuckerman has done for this purchase.

Mr. Zuckerman, produce the research and analysis you have done that shows zeolite will be safe for children to slide on, roll on, get in their eyes and inhale. 

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