
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

MCPS to Rescind RFP for New Curriculum #ethics #procurement #ConflictofInterest #mcps

Dear Colleagues: 
As you know, MCPS has engaged in a Request for Proposal (RFP) process to select new curricula for grades Kindergarten through Grade 8, for English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics. As our curriculum review indicated, a new curriculum is needed to support teaching and learning. 
Unfortunately, we will need to postpone this important process. We recently learned that two MCPS staff members, the associate superintendent in the Office of Curriculum and Instructional Programs and the supervisor for English/Language Arts in the Department of Secondary Curriculum and Districtwide Programs, are retiring and intend to accept job offers with Discovery Education, one of the vendors that submitted a proposal in response to the RFP. These staff members have recused themselves from any further involvement in the RFP process. 
It is important to note that Discovery Education’s leadership acted proactively, diligently and collaboratively throughout this process. As soon as it was brought to the attention of Discovery Education’s leadership that these individuals were connected to the RFP process, the company, citing an abundance of caution, took the initiative and immediately withdrew from consideration. 
While these job offers do not appear to have influenced the RFP process, we want to ensure public confidence in the integrity of this effort. Therefore, Superintendent of Schools Jack Smith is recommending that the Board of Education rescind the current RFP so that a new RFP can be issued at a later time. 
We apologize for the disruption for our students and schools. We remain committed to acquiring a high quality curriculum, but it is critical that our teachers, students and families can have trust in the process. 
Maria V. Navarro, Ed.D. Chief Academic Officer Montgomery County Public Schools 850 Hungerford Drive, Room 129 Rockville, Maryland 20850 301-279-3127 301-279-3099 Fax


  1. It took a vendor to do the right thing when MCPS employees failed to disclose that they were interviewing for jobs with a company bidding on a MCPS contract worth millions.

  2. Jack Smith: I want to buy curriculum because I really don't understand the MCPS in house written curriculum. I know I'll hire a consultant.
    Consultant: MCPS curriculum is good but there are companies who sell it. You should buy it.
    Discovery: Hey, our CAO used to write curriculum for MCPS and we hired several other MCPS curriculum writers and supervisors... And we're about to land another supervisor plus the associate superintendent that oversaw the entire curriculum writing effort in MCPS. You should buy curriculum from us since it's based on the MCPS curriculum that you already have!
    Jack Smith: Sold!!!

    Wow, what can we say about Jack's leadership? Payday is this Friday. That's all Jack seems to care about.

    1. I guess that $15,000 raise really was well deserved! Thanks everyone on the Board of Education who pushed that through, many of whom are running this year; and the county council members, including those running this year, who approved it.

    2. This has been going on a long time. Even before Jack Smith. And escalating now. Not only elementary level curriculum. Middle school and high school content level too. The quality of the curriculum is terrible because the ones forced on us were written by people who did not even know their subject content. One was not even certified in subject area. I saw it first hand. Yes complained. Even to BOE member and others in and out of system. No response.

    3. ". . . written by people who did not even know their subject content."
      This sounds like a universal truth that permeates every facet of society.

    4. @Anonymous 5:58pm, to which BOE member did you complain? Unless people know who, this ends here. Anyone running for an elected office? People need to be held accountable and that won't happen if everything gets swept under the rug.

    5. For changing the culture
      Going against the grain
      Requires energy to drain
      And the result is vain.

  3. What 'Diploma Mill' did these administrators attend?


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