
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

MoCo "subsidizes the cost of reviewing applications" for cell towers #PickingUpTab #FlushWithCash #Fortunate

On Thursday the Montgomery County Council's  Planning, Housing and Economic Development Committee will be discussing zoning for 5G cell towers on telephone poles and other existing structures throughout the County. 

5G technology needs a lot of locations.  A lot of locations means a lot of applications and the need for a lot of staff time to review all these applications.  

How do vendors afford the cost of the County review of all these applications?  They do not have to worry because in Montgomery County we are fortunate to be flush with cash and we subsidize the cost of reviewing these applications with taxpayer dollars.  

1 comment:

  1. According to CTC Expert Andrew Afflerbach, “it is more time-consuming to evaluate applications for facilities in the PROW (public right-of-way) than on private property.” See Exhibit 1, Declaration of Andrew Afflerbach, p. 15,
    Dr. Afflerbach’s firm, CTC, has long been retained by the County to provide technical evaluations and support services to the Tower Committee. CTC is paid on an hourly basis for its services. Therefore, based upon Dr. Afflerbach’s statement, CTC receives greater compensation for its work concerning applications for facilities in the public rights-of-way.
    Tower Committee application fees have not been increased since 2003. See


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