
Thursday, May 24, 2018

Superintendent Jack R. Smith Mentally Wrote Resignation Letter on February 14, 2018

At the April 25, 2018, Montgomery County Council Education Committee meeting Superintendent Jack R. Smith revealed how overwhelmed he felt on February 14, 2018, and how his wife talked to him the next day during the crisis that he was having and convinced him to not resign.  


  1. Jack: I think I'm going to resign.
    Spouse: You get paid 270,000+ to say stupid things like, "All means all" and "I was a principal in Washington state," "I lived in Asia," and the most idiotic of all "Some not all children in MCPS are..."
    Jack: You know, you are right. I get paid a lot and when I say "All means all" I want ALL of the money coming to me.
    Spouse: I'm glad we had this talk now go back to whatever it is you do at MCPS.
    Jack: Hmm... what do I do other than collect a paycheck?

  2. Please resign, MCPS needs a much more competent superintendent


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