
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

A ticking time bomb’: MS-13 threatens a middle school, warn teachers, parents, students

...Gang-related fights are now a near-daily occurrence at Wirt, where a small group of suspected MS-13 members at the overwhelmingly Hispanic school throw gang signs, sell drugs, draw gang graffiti and aggressively recruit students recently arrived from Central America, according to more than two dozen teachers, parents and students. Most of those interviewed asked not to be identified for fear of losing their jobs or being targeted by MS-13.
Although administrators deny Wirt has a gang problem, the situation inside the aging, overcrowded building has left some teachers so afraid that they refuse to be alone with their students. Many said they had repeatedly reported incidents involving suspected gang members to administrators, only to be ignored — claims supported by documents obtained by The Washington Post.
“Teachers feel threatened but aren’t backed up. Students feel threatened but aren’t protected,” one educator said. “The school is a ticking time bomb.”..


  1. "It’s rather like trying to drain the swamp when you are up to your Adam’s apple in alligators."

    But, not to worry a few billions from Uncle Sam to our local sheriffs will take care of it.

  2. In ten years schools on the east side of Montgomery County will have articles like this written about them.

    1. ". . .In order to form a more perfect union
      Establish justice, insure domestic tranquility. . ." we tax the helpless people.


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