
Saturday, June 9, 2018

Board of Ed. Voted Superintendent Authority to Execute Contracts. No Contracts were Executed. No Field Maintenance Program was Executed. #artificialturf #nobid #nocontracts

There is no contract for Field Turf, Inc.
The Parents' Coalition filed a Maryland Public Information Act request with Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) for:
records, reports, memoranda,  purchase orders, work orders, paid invoices, unpaid invoices, contracts, bills of lading, receiving documents, Requests for Proposals, Invitations for Bids, and bid documents in your custody and control pertaining to Field Turf business with MCPS from January 1, 2015 to March 2018.  

In response to our request, we received invoices and purchase orders.  

We did not receive any MCPS contracts with Field Turf. 

The Board of Education has on multiple occasions specifically authorized the Superintendent and the President of the Board of Education to execute documents to purchase artificial turf and to obtain maintenance agreements for the existing artificial turf.

Yet, despite that directive from the Board of Education, no maintenance program documents were received from MCPS. 

MCPS currently has 6 artificial turf fields.  

Based on the documents that we received, it would appear that in 2015, MCPS only did maintenance on 1 field.

In 2016,  it is impossible to tell if all of the fields were maintained because the invoices from FieldTurf do not all list a location.

In 2017, it appears that MCPS only did maintenance on 4 fields.  

Nowhere in these documents is maintenance ever mentioned for the Walter Johnson High School field.

There is no Maintenance Program document as voted on by the Board of Education and it is, therefore, impossible to tell what maintenance has been done on any of the fields.  

The invoices from Field Turf cannot be reconciled with the payments from MCPS. 

Below is a summary of the invoices and purchase orders that we received. 

Below are the documents we received from MCPS.

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