
Thursday, June 28, 2018

FOX45 News: MCPS #2 in Bullying Reports in State

The school system with the most bullying reports is Baltimore County. Last year, the County tallied 901 reported incidents. Montgomery County, which has 45,000 more students, was second with 870.


  1. It would be nice to know what percent more does the 45,000 constitute?

    1. The full report is at

      On page 7 in has a table of number of reports per 1000 students. It shows that Montgomery county increased from 2.8 per 1000 students in 2014-15 to 5.5 per 1000 students in 2016-2017. I suspect MCPS will say this is due to increased reporting but the trend concerns me as a parent. Baltimore County trended from 9 per 1000 down to 8 per 1000 in 2015-16 to 2016-17 so slightly higher numbers but better trend (caveat I don't know if either is statistically significant). As a taxpayer I'd be more concerned about Wicomoco county that is 14+ for all 3 years and wonder what Kent county did to reduce their rate so much.

  2. I filed the state bullying reports when my son was in elementary school.They are supposed to be reported on school safety reports by principal. When I checked, the principal had completed the report and listed zero report bullying incidents. I had copies of the forms. When I called the MCPS accountability office to ask to whom I could speak about the discrepancy they told me to talk to the principal. Really? That's accountability?

    1. The more things change the more they stay the same. I took my complaint all the way to the Maryland House of Delegates, only to get the following profound reply: "I will continue to press for changes in the law and the way we treat the issues of bullying and intimidation. I regret that I cannot do more at this time. I understand your frustration."

    2. No, that's called: Loop De Loop

      "Here we go loop de loop
      Here we go loop de li
      Here we go loop de loop
      On a Saturday night."

  3. MCPS is extremely reluctant to remove students with problematic behavior, because a "too high" suspension/expulsion rate looks bad. There also is a dearth of alternative programs so that the sweet precious intimidating jerks can continue to get an education.

    1. Administrator: "In each case the student was appropriately disciplined."
      Parent: "If the student was appropriately disciplined in each case, why did three separate incidents took place involving the same student?
      Comment: "The answer,my friend, is blowin' in the wind. The answer is blowin'in the wind."

  4. The students are fed up with the MCPS perennial lip service:


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