
Monday, June 11, 2018

MCPS will be Responsible for Maintaining and Replacing Two Artificial Turf Fields at JWMS. MSI will be Out After Installation. $20K Annual Maintenance on Taxpayers.

At the City of Rockville Planning Commission meeting, MCPS staff revealed that once the two artificial turf fields are installed at Julius West Middle School the ongoing maintenance and eventual replacement of those fields will be the resonsibility of Montgomery County Public Schools. 

Remember that MCPS says the annual maintenance of an artificial turf field should cost $10,000.

That means that MCPS has found an extra $20,000 a year for each year going forward to spend on the Julius West Middle School fields. 

MCPS staff told the City of Rockville Planning Commission that they currently spend $0 on maintaining elementary and middle school fields. 

The MCPS-MSI Soccer deal has MCPS giving up 1,000 of field use per year and paying $20,000 a year to maintain the two fields at one middle school.

Who made this deal and why did the Board of Education approve it?

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