
Monday, July 9, 2018

BOE wants @pcmc1 Tweet "taken down" - .@mocoboe Superintendent Jack Smith told the County Council's Ed Committee in open session that he has a zero tolerance policy on incidents of staff and sexual assault; that he can be overridden by Board of Education. True/False?

A Montgomery County Board of Education member has e-mailed to the Parents' Coalition requesting that we take down the following Tweet.

"police" should be policy

The Board member had BOE Chief of Staff Roland Ikheloa watch the video of the Montgomery County Council's Education Committee meeting referenced in the Tweet.  Mr. Ikheloa concluded,
 "...I watched the entire video and cannot come up with any statement by the superintendent remotely justifying the quoted tweet below by the Parents Coalition..."

Below are video clips from the April 25, 2018, Montgomery County Council Briefing- MCPS Child Abuse & Neglect Policy.

Councilmember George Leventhal, "I understand the Superintendent to be saying that these charges, if found to be true lead to immediate dismissal..."

Superintendent Smith says, "... I feel so strongly about this and I believe so much that we can not even allow people to resign when it is found they have done these sorts of things, they must be terminated..."

Superintendent Smith says. "... I, of course, make the recommendation to the school board, the school board acts..."

Now is the @pcmc1 Tweet of the statement by the superintendent remotely justified?


  1. Um, no, the remark is not justified. ". . .but is overridden by the Board of Education" means he stated that the board acts contrary to his recommendations (is overridden) regarding personnel issues. He said he makes a recommendation, and the BoE has the power to act on that recommendation. As you are aware, there is something called due process.

    1. You have said nothing that changes the statement. Throwing in due process does nothing to change the facts as Superintendent Smith has stated them.

      Smith says he makes a recommendation.

      Smith said Board of Education then acts on his recommendation.

      Smith claims to not allow teachers to resign.

      We know that has not happened since Smith has been Superintendent.

      We know - through documentation - that Smith has NOT been able to fire a teacher who had multiple confirmed sex abuse incidents AND had been arrested. That means, if he is telling the truth, that the Board of Education overruled his position. The Board of Education makes THEIR decision behind closed doors.

      It's time for the Board of Education to take responsibility for their actions which include allowing teachers to RESIGN even when found guilty of sex abuse of students.

      The Board of Education is responsible for "passing the trash" in a number of documented cases.

  2. Look, Jack isn't that bright. He made another STUPID statement and he can't walk it back. He's throwing the BOE under the bus to cover for his inaction. He said that he wrote his mental resignation letter. It's past time for his actual resignation letter!


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