
Thursday, July 26, 2018

Breaking: Board of Ed. defines Recycling as Throwing in a Dumpster and Sending to Incinerator

The Montgomery County Board of Education has put out an announcement about the removal of the artificial turf football field at Richard Montgomery High School.  The announcement is on the home page of the MCPS website. The announcement says in part: 
July 21, 2018 
Dear MCPS Community,
This week, contractors began work to replace the artificial turf field at Richard Montgomery High School. The existing artificial turf material has been removed and sent for recycling. The entire system, including turf fibers and infill, will be repurposed as a continuation of the overall lifecycle of the materials...

...Contractors and MCPS staff are working diligently to remove the artificial turf in a safe and efficient manner and look forward to installing the new organic infill field shortly.

Andrew Zuckerman
Chief Operating Officer

Montgomery County Public Schools
Richard Montgomery High School
Artificial turf plastic grass, crumb rubber,
hay and empty plastic bottles in a
dumpster on July 25, 2018
Source Twitter @BLCon

This is a great summer learning excerise for students.  Have your student read the words from the letter above and then ask them what they think those words mean? 

Then you can show them the picture of the artificial turf plastic grass, crumb rubber, hay and empty plastic bottles in a dumpster on its way to the Montgomery County incinerator.  Explain to your children that this is what recycling looks like in MCPS.   

It turns out that in Montgomery County "recycling" is the same thing as sending trash off to the Dickerson incinerator. 

Now you know!


  1. Does anyone reading this blog know where MCPS publishes a list of what high schools offer what languages? I know they all have Spanish, French, but some have languages that others don't. We are thinking it would be worth it to move into what ever area offers "MCPS" as a language, that way, my kids will be super ready to get a job for MCPS where they can rocket to the top of the pack at Carver center. They can earn a lot of money for lying, manipulating, being dismissive, putting themselves first, wasting tax payer money, etc etc etc. So, if anyone knows, please back channel me so I can elbow my kid to the front of the pack...hoping it's a AP class.

  2. Have your kids earn their high school 'community service credits' at the MCPs administration building.

  3. Interesting that the local Sierra Club, Countryside Alliance, or Save 10 Mile Creek, don't care about this situation. Maybe because it's not affecting Potomac and their wealthy upcounty neighbors?

  4. The tire crumb and plastic carpet were not "recycled". A fly by night hauler took it to a the address of a paintball business on Bird Creek 11011 Pulaski highway. When we first investigated sybturf dispoal We were been told the incinerator doesn't want the carpet either (and can't burn tires in any case)because the one time they tried to burn it it just melted into a big mess.


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