
Friday, July 20, 2018

Forget Plastic Straws, Board of Ed. is Dumping Ground Up Tires in Streams in Cabin John Watershed

Remember when FieldTurf told the Montgomery County Council in 2011 that when artificial turf is removed "every single component will be recycled?"

Here we are 7 years later and this is the reality.  The Richard Montgomery HS artificial turf has been ripped up and 120 tons of ground up tires (crumb rubber) are being spread all over the school grounds, parking lot, roads and are going into our storm drains, ponds and creeks in the Cabin John Watershed.

All of the black dots you see in the pictures below are ground up tires (crumb rubber) used as the infill on the artificial turf field at RMHS.  Each artificial turf field requires 120 tons of ground up tires. All pictures were taken in the last two days and after the recent rain storm.

Drain surrounded by ground up tire pellets from artificial turf infill on 
Richard Montgomery High School artificial turf field. 

To report illegal dumping in the City of Rockville:


  1. This is what the parents want.

    1. They deserve the consequences.

  2. You really need to get some higher-resolution photos on here. Good closeups, etc.

    1. Why? No one cares. These pictures are fine. They show exactly what is happening. And the one picture even shows the plastic field in a DUMPSTER on its way to...????

      You are free to go over to Richard Montgomery High School today and take high resolution pictures in the rain. You will be able to video tape the tire turds going into the storm drain. Post what you get.

  3. Since it's at the hub of the county's judicial and legal activity, you'd think that they notice.

  4. Besides the environmental hazard, the potential carcinogenic effects on humans and the pure illegality of this dumping... why am I paying 5 cents per plastic bag at the supermarket to rid our streambeds of plastic waste?

    1. This is a business oriented society, thus they get all the privileges.
      While us individuals are left holding the proverbial bag.


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