
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

MCPS Superintendent Smith Leaves Loopholes in Employee Code of Conduct

MCPS Superintendent Jack R. Smith has issued the Employee Code of Conduct for the 2018-2019 school year.  However, Superintendent Smith has left two major loopholes in the Code of Conduct.  Superintendent Smith and the Board of Education were notified that these loopholes existed in March of this year.  Yet, these two major loopholes are still present in the 2018-2019 Employee Code of Conduct.   

As noted in Jennifer Alvaro's Critical Changes Needed to Correct MCPS’ Flawed Response to Prevent & Interrupt Abuse of MCPS Students (shown below) the following two loopholes are still in the MCPS Employee Code of Conduct.  

o Current loopholes which must be changed: 

o MCPS is not documenting all violations.
MCPS has written a loophole into this section. Note the word, “may”. “In some circumstances, a supervisor or manager may determine that an employee’s conduct does not warrant formal disciplinary action but does warrant a clarification as to expectations regarding future conduct. In such cases, the supervisor or manager may provide written guidance   
o Recommendation: delete the word may. Insert must.
o Change the “nice guys get a pass and jerks get disciplined” loophole.
 Currently: “In making a determination as to the appropriate level of disciplinary action in each case, consideration of mitigating factors (such as an employee’s long history of good service with a clean record or an indication of less culpability on the part of the employee) or aggravating factors (such as placing others at risk of serious injury, demonstrating intentional wrongdoing, or indifference to the effect of an action or the outcome on others) may be considered.” 
1. As a Certified Sex Offender Treatment Provider (VA) I can assure you, offenders who are “nice” and have a clean record of good service are inevitably the ones who have a far higher number of victims then the guys who are jerks. This section demonstrates whoever wrote this has no understanding of how offenders groom other adults prior to grooming children for abuse. It is exactly this type of sentiment, “he’s so nice, he was teacher of the year, etc” that allowed so many MCPS offenders to operate for so long. See Vigna & Blair magnet math teacher. 


  1. The loophole experts
    And artful dodgers
    Insert vague phrases
    To get false praises.

  2. The "he's so nice" or "she's so nice" is also how we end up with so many mediocre teachers.The culture of "good enough" is a serious problem which is cultivated by both MCPS and MCEA.


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