
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Parade of Pollution: Aug. 3rd Dumpster Overflowing with Plastic, Crumb Rubber Clogged Storm Drain, MDE Inspection After Heavy Rain #ArtificialTurfPrivilege

Part 9: 

These pictures show what Richard Montgomery High School (RMHS) looked like on August 3, 2018.  This is now 16 days after the artificial turf field was supposedly removed from RMHS according to the letter distributed by Council President Hans Riemer.  The pictures show what appears to be a 4th dumpster full of used plastic grass, crumb rubber and trash.

There is also a RMHS storm drain completely clogged with crumb rubber showing that the "filters" that Superintendent Jack R. Smith and MCPS COO Andrew Zuckerman have said were keeping the crumb rubber out of the Cabin John Watershed had completely failed.

Note that the day before these pictures were taken, August 2nd, the storm drains around RMHS were inspected (See page 7 of document) after a heavy rain by the Maryland Department of Environment (MDE).  The inspection did not find crumb rubber in the system outfall, but noted that MDE would be back at a later date to inspect the "staging area" when the contractor "demobilizes" from the site.  The "staging area" is shown in the pictures below.  Apparently, MDE does not inspect "staging areas," even one's that are actively polluting a watershed.

Sand delivery for new artificial turf field.
Crumb rubber tire tracks are still seen
all over the RMHS property.

See Parade of Pollution posts documenting the pollution to our stormwater and environment from the removal of this one artificial turf football field at this link.

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