
Friday, August 17, 2018

Parade of Pollution: July 26, 2018, INSIDE THE DUMPSTER #ArtificialTurfPrivilege

Part 6: 

These pictures were also taken on July 26, 2018, and document the removal of the football field of plastic grass and 120 tons of crumb rubber from Richard Montgomery High School.
These pictures show the rolls of artificial turf and crumb rubber that were left behind at RMHS after the tractor trailer load was taken away.

These pictures also show INSIDE one of the dumpsters at Richard Montgomery High School.  Inside the dumpster is loose crumb rubber, hay, plastic bottles, and wads of plastic grass.  Contrast this picture with what Superintendent Jack R. Smith told the Board of Education about the removal of the artificial turf field in his August 8th memo.

Superintendent Smith memo to Board of Education August 8, 2018.

The picture below clearly shows hay, plastic bottles, loose crumb rubber and plastic grass randomly tossed in a dumpster.  The contents of this dumpster were not rolled up and were not going to be reused or repurposed.  This dumpster was on its way to a landfill in Brunswick, Virginia.

The picture below, also taken on July 26th, 8 days after MCPS said the field had been removed shows crumb rubber clogging a storm drain. 

On July 26th, rolls of artificial turf with crumb rubber spillling out are still at Richard Montgomery High School.

See Parade of Pollution posts documenting the pollution to our stormwater and environment from the removal of this one artificial turf football field at this link.

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