
Monday, September 10, 2018

Jack Smith Keeps Joshua Starr Consultant in MCPS Budget at $50,000

From the Board of Education Agenda for their upcoming meeting:

4408.1 Professional Services—Extension Responsible Office: Office of the Chief Financial Officer Awardee Katheryn W. Gemberling, Silver Spring, Maryland $ 50,000$file/Contracts%2025K%20or%20More%20180911.pdf
2011: Joshua Starr's transition team.

The Board of Education will approve this $50,000 payment to Kathryn Gemberling without any idea of what the money will be used for or why this expenditure is more important than a classroom teacher. 


  1. It's even worse than that that. She is connected to Performance Matters (another no bid) which MCPS uses to house student performance data. She's been getting these $50,000 payments 2x per year since Jack was appointed superintendent first from his office then from the chief financial officer's office.

    1. The Board of Education is not reporting these payments twice a year. Where are you getting that information from?

      Performance Matters LLC on the other hand, if raking in over $1 million a year.

      No bid is sweet in Montgomery County.


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