
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Sue Present: “Please reject this ZTA. Work with us.” “Work with us” was a sticker warn by many of the opponents of the zoning regulations.

Dozens of people Tuesday night expressed their opposition to proposed zoning rules that would regulate where and how small cell towers would be placed in neighborhoods, many of them citing health concerns for the next wave in wireless communications.
However, the Federal Communications Commission has ruled that local governments cannot use health reasons for denying where the towers can be placed.
That didn’t stop speaker after speaker bringing up their worries that the radiation from 5G communications towers could affect their health, especially with gear mounted on poles not far from their houses.
“If you don’t know what the safety associated with these of these things, you should have the companies should put a sticker on the tower: ‘Warning, don’t stand here for more than 10 minutes.’ Something that tells us what this tower is emitting,” said Ian Dingwall of North Potomac. “Simply saying the government won’t let me is a mistake.”
The zoning regs are contained in a document called ZTA 18-11...

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