
Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Man hid tiny cameras in his bathrooms, recorded 60 nude children, prosecutors say.

...Until fall [2017], when Montgomery County police arrested him, Oldale, who lived in Somerset, was a fixture in the town — deeply involved in the lives of his two children and those in the neighborhood.

He led a Cub Scout pack, took photos for the elementary school yearbook and volunteered as a room parent at school. He launched a small summer camp and threw the backyard splash parties...
The videos show multiple cameras were used simultaneously to record what was happening in the bathrooms of his home, authorities said in charging Oldale, and show Oldale checking camera angles.
...“Mr. Oldale would come into the bathroom,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Baldwin said in court several months ago. “He will check on a camera. He’ll look down at it and make sure the focus is correct and make sure that it’s pointing in the right direction. He did it to the one in the pedestal sink. There’s another video where he comes in, and there’s one that’s pointing from the shower over the commode in the bathroom to the bathroom door. He walks in, he leans in that camera and he artfully pushes it back so that it’s now focusing on the shower.
“You ask yourself, well, why is he doing that?” the prosecutor continued. “Well, 30 seconds later, two young girls come in the bathroom, and they take off their bathing suits, and they get in the shower.”..


  1. "He said he was pleased that none of the children had to testify in court, crediting the early work of investigators in Montgomery County for building a strong case."
    Why would they make the children testify, if they were unaware of the recordings, in the first place?

    1. Because the state would have to establish that there were in fact victims.

    2. That maybe so, but he was charged and convicted on federal charges.

  2. "Jonathan Oldale faces up to 25 years in prison after pleading guilty to the charges in federal court in Greenbelt." Whereas if it was our legal eagles, he would walk free on a legal technicality.

  3. I hope he really get what he deserves in prison, more than once. Also FBI and Police didn't return calls to many of the victim parents and that is a SHAME... 15 to 25 years is way to easy, should have been 10 years for EACH victim...

    1. BTW They don't stolen property either.


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