
Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Board of Ed now Using Sand as Infill on Plastic Fields. FYI: "Crystalline silica is widely used in industry and has long been recognized as a major occupational hazard, causing disability and deaths among workers in several industries."

EPA’s view on crystalline silica. The EPA’s longstanding view of crystalline silica is contained in a document entitled, Health Effects of Inhaled Crystalline and Amorphous Silica, EPA/600/R-95/115, 1996. It is available at here or at the EPA’s website at The study’s abstract states, “Recently, public concern regarding nonoccupational or ambient silica exposure, mainly to crystalline silica, has emerged making it important to evaluate background and ambient concentrations. Ambient emissions of silica rarely are estimated or measured in air pollution studies of particulate matter. Crystalline silica is widely used in industry and has long been recognized as a major occupational hazard, causing disability and deaths among workers in several industries. This is a health risk assessment covering the causes and studies of crystalline silica exposure.” For further information on this subject, contact the EPA ( ) at .

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