
Monday, January 28, 2019

Jennifer Alvaro, "THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW"

Child sexual abuse is an issue which affect us all.  It is present in every neighborhood, in every socioeconomic group, every racial group, every ethnicity, every religion, from the least to the most highly educated among us.  It affects the famous as well as the forgotten. It can happen to infants as well as teens.    Experts in the field have found anywhere from 1/3 of girls & 1/6 of boys to 1/10 of all children will experience child sexual abuse sometime before they turn 18.   

Most children never report being abused.   
Most people who abuse are never caught.   
90% of victims are abused by someone they know, like, love or live with.
We can, as a society, prevent most childhood sexual abuse.  
For the times we cannot prevent abuse, we can help to end it sooner.  
 Please commit to helping end child abuse.
The first step is by raising awareness and becoming educated about the issue. 


    "At oral reargument, the Department’s counsel stated:
    I can tell you, no prosecutor is going to pick up this case. There’s too much
    to do out there to pick up a case where a teacher’s maybe exploiting a child.
    I mean, that—the law enforcement went very far and investigated it, but these
    are the kinds of cases that don’t get prosecuted. So, the only record of them,
    frequently, is the local department’s ability to maintain its files."

  2. “Most predators are not strangers, they are people we know and they not only groom the victim to trust them, but groom the entire family into believing they are no threat. Their entire goal is threefold: access, allure, alibi...the more access they have into the child's environment, the greater their success.”


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