
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

AUDIO: Del. C.T. Wilson, "We have a habit in Maryland of protecting these institutions...This is an emergency...Up to us to do something about it...Don't reward sneaky behavior." @votectwilson .@KathleenDumais1

Delegate C.T. Wilson, "Maryland has become a dumping ground for pedophile priests."

The video below is the audio feed from the Maryland House of Delegates on March 16, 2019, when Delegate Kathleen Dumais attempted to amend part of Delegate C.T. Wilson's bill to eliminate and extend the Statute of Limitations in civil suits concerning the sexual abuse of children.

Listen to Delegate CT Wilson as he responds to Delegate Kathleen Dumais' attempt to amend his bill.

Listen to the Delegate that says, "In a good faith manner in a very clear, honest and direct way we have tried to establish our legislative intent that we want to open up our courts for an examination, for an attempt to bring justice to children who were sexually abused.  We should speak with that widely and clearly in a bipartisan fashion with one voice.  We want to give those victims every opportunity possible to present their claims."

Montgomery County Delegate Kathleen Dumais presents an amendment to HB 687 that would eliminate the "look back" window in the bill. Delegate CT Wilson and others defend the bill and the provision. Delegate Kathleen Dumais' amendment was rejected 3 - 131.

Listen to the end.  There is a break and the audio is silent while votes are being cast.


  1. Sadly, the delegate's pleas fell on deaf ears.

    1. You mean Delegate Kathleen Dumais pleas? Her attempt to amend this bill failed.
      Delegate Kathleen Dumais' amendment was rejected 3 - 131.

      The bill went on to pass in the House. Now it goes to the Senate.

    2. Well Kathleen Dumais and many Cradle Catholics STILL believe as does the Hierarchy of The Vatican and the majority of Roman Catholic Priests believe that raping and molesting Adolescents AND Children are just the Perks that go with their office...

    3. “Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”
      ― William Shakespeare

  2. Finally a truthful discussion occurs about the situation with child sexual abuse in Maryland on the floor of the House of Delegates by a survivor.

  3. Kathleen Dumais is a divorce lawyer. That's all she does is divorce. This is not her area of expertise. The Delegate from Baltimore City knows about this issue and he was not impressed with her amendment.


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