
Friday, May 10, 2019

Montgomery County Taxpayers League Summit June 10th

I ask for your Valued Participation at MCTL’s Planning Summit
Monday, June 10
th, 2019, beginning at 6:45pm
Rockville Library (Town Center), 21 Maryland Ave, Rockville, MD 20850
PLEASE RSVP so we have a count. We hope to fill the room for the Summit.
Thank you for your friendship and support for my recent campaign for Montgomery Cty. Council. At our November celebration following a well-fought campaign, we were unreserved and clear in our commitment to work together through other means to bring about a better Montgomery County.I have since kept your enthusiastic sentiments in my thoughts, and now hope I can look forward to joining forces with you so we can follow through on our goals.
I’ve been involved with the Montgomery County Taxpayers League for quite some time, and I realize that MCTL is in a unique position to serve as a conduit for achieving our shared goals. I want you to realize this as well. For years, MCTL has proven to be informed, muscular advocates with great successes under our belt – and we want to do more! Accordingly, we are looking to greatly expand our reach and activities by increasing the number of people smart, sensible, civics-minded people – like you – who work with us.  
With all this in mind, I am reaching out to you.  I hope you can participate in the June 10th MCTL Summit.  PLEASE RSVP.History is clear that the best way for citizens to assert themselves is in a unified, non-partisan, and deliberate fashion. We can strongly influence our county’s policies if we marshal ourselves.
SO LET’S DO THIS!  We can have an “ear to the ground,” and even a “seat at the table,” as each year’s county budget is developed -- play an integral role in making our schools world class, crushing the achievement gap, and multiplying magnet programs -- help create a flourishing private sector that creates jobs as fast as our neighbors --- take steps to make our county more affordable -- find workable solutions to our transportation problems and environmental goals.
A Little About the Montgomery County Taxpayers League.
MCTL has been around for a long time (since 1975) advocating on behalf of county taxpayers and residents for accountable, effective, and efficient government. MCTL has built a reputation for integrity, fairness, competency, and hard research & analysis. We have good, smart people on both sides of the aisle, and have worthwhile achievements under our belts through cogent analyses, frequent testimony, bringing cases to regulators, getting legislation passed in Annapolis, and other activities. MCTL seems to have struck a happy balance between having a working relationship with county/elected officials, while remaining 100% independent and a real “thorn in their sides” when necessary. We also have productive associations with civics groups and wish to expand upon this.Please try to attend the June 10th MCTL Planning Summit, or ask someone else to attend in your stead. Once again, thank you so much for your friendship and for making my recent campaign so rewarding.
With Kindest Regards

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