
Friday, June 28, 2019

Prevention Services Clearinghouse

The Prevention Services Clearinghouse website has launched with program and service ratings!
Click here to visit the website

Visit the new website to view the ratings and details about the programs and services systematically reviewed by the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse!

The Prevention Services Clearinghouse was established by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to systematically review research and evaluation on programs and services intended to provide enhanced support to children and families and prevent foster care placements. The Prevention Services Clearinghouse rates programs and services as well-supported, supported, or promising practices, in accordance with statutory requirements. These practices include mental health services, substance abuse prevention and treatment services, in-home parent skill-based programs, and kinship navigator programs. The Prevention Services Clearinghouse is an objective, rigorous, and transparent source of information on evidence-based programs and services that may be eligible for funding under Title IV-E of the Social Security Act as amended by the Family First Prevention Services Act.

The Prevention Services Clearinghouse website allows users to:

  • Learn about programs and services rated as well-supportedsupportedpromising, or does not currently meet criteria.
  • Access information about the review process and ratings, including the Prevention Services Clearinghouse Handbook of Standards and Procedures.
  • Find answers to Frequently Asked Questions, including how to recommend programs and services for review.
  • Access information about program or service implementation and resources.
  • Sign up for email updates.

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