
Sunday, July 21, 2019

Takoma Park MD will show antisemitic movie

The Takoma Park, MD mayor Kate Stewart and city council members Peter Kovar, Kacy Kostiuk, Talisha Searcy, Jarrett Smith, Cindy Dyballa, and Terry Seamens agreed at a city council meeting on July 17 to show a virulently antisemitic movie at their Arts and Humanities Commission film series. During a council meeting they all agreed they were not responsible for the showing of the movie, and the City Manager, Suzanne Ludlow, also said that the city manager’s office was not responsible either. They also stated that the members of the Arts and Humanities commission were not responsible. You can see their discussion and public comments here with public comments beginning at minute 7:35. Nevertheless, the movie, with the over-riding message that Jews control the media, will be shown, paid for by city and Montgomery County taxpayers and under the purview of the City of Takoma Park.
We reached out the Montgomery County council but no one bothered to reply, although the county council did send a letter to Mayor Stewart and the city council stating that, “By sponsoring the film, the City of Takoma Park appears to be legitimizing a premise that American Jews control the media and national politics…” Eight councilmembers signed the letter. Councilmember Tom Hucker (D-District 5), whose district includes Takoma Park, did not sign the letter. No text in the letter clearly stated that Takoma Park should not show the film, stating that the councilmembers had, “…grave concerns.”
Takoma Park citizens are sponsoring the showing of an antisemitic movie at a time when Jews are being attacked and murdered in the United States and antisemitism is on the rise. Based on the consensus of the city council, we can’t wait for them to screen Birth of a Nation so we can discuss the pros and cons of the messages in that movie too.

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