
Thursday, August 1, 2019

Woodward High School Site has 1.75 Acre Parcel For Expansion

This week the Montgomery County Board of Education discussed the Initial Concepts for the re-opening of the Woodward High School site.  MCPS staff seem to think the site is constrained and will not be able to accomodate a stadium.

However, MCPS staff and the Board of Education have failed to include the entire school site in their planning.  The Woodward High School site includes a 1.75 acre parcel on Edson Road.  Neighbors and advocates fought hard back in 2004 to keep that parcel and two others open for future school use.  
January 2004:  “All of our schools are overcrowded,” said Janis Sartucci, cluster coordinator for the Churchill PTA. “We have enough trailers on the ground to make a new elementary.” Sartucci added that Cabin John Middle School splits its graduates between Churchill and Wootton high schools.“We don’t know what the future holds for this cluster other than growth,” Sartucci said. “I don’t think were at the point where we can say ‘we’ll never need it for a new school.’”   The future is now.  

The red dot shows the location of the unused Edson Lane parcel.  This is land that was dedicated for public school use and can be reclaimed for that use today.

From MD land records. 
Location of unused, dedicated public school land shown in red.
MCPS Initial Concept drawing presented to Board of Ed.

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