
Friday, September 6, 2019

Calculations for The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future (Senate Bill 1030)

June 6, 2019 To Local Superintendents of Schools:

Attached for your information are the FINAL Calculations for The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future (SB1030). These calculations have not changed from the draft calculations that were sent to you on May 24, 2019.

Please note that the Supplemental Prekindergarten Grant shown in the attached document reflects only the additional school systems eligible for this grant under the expanded definitions per SB1030. The four school systems that qualified for this grant prior to the enactment of this legislation are shown in the Major State Aid release, which is also being sent to you today under separate cover.

The Maryland State Department of Education will be releasing these grant awards as funding is officially made available. Grant awards for those portions of this funding requiring applications (Teacher Salary Incentive Grant, Teacher Collaborative Grant, and Transitional Supplemental Instruction for Struggling Learners) are also subject to approval of the applications...

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