
Friday, November 15, 2019

Neelsville Middle School SGA says students call school "prison on the hill." @mcps @mocoboe

Public Comment from Neelsville Middle School SGA students at the November 5, 2019, Board of Education Facilities and Boundary Hearing.

Students discussed the one bathroom used by boys, girls and staff (each has their own stall), the lack of an elevator for access to all floors, and the need to have one hall be used for only one way traffic among other issues with the building.


  1. BOE's plan is to transfer hundreds of students from Neelsville MS to Rocky Hills MS. The catch is: hundreds of students from Gibbs ES & Cabin Branch Communities will be transferred from Rocky Hill to Neelsville MS. In a few years Neelsville will be even more crowded than it is now, making conditions even worse. Hundreds of families bought homes in Cabin Branch for $600k+ to now find themselves possibly transferred to an unsafe building with over a 50% FARMS rate.

  2. 1. The REASON being told to parents the need to move their kids from CLARKSBURG MS to Neelsville MS is that Clarksburg MS is going to be over populated BUT so is Neelsville! The question here is, what is the real/true reason for making these changes??
    2. Is it trying to improve the scoring of Neelsville MS, the problem is not the kids the problem is the school, and the curriculum being given to Neelsville MS students, when testing at county levels the whole school (Neelsville MS) scoring is bad when compared to other schools.. solution: they need to improve the curriculum.

    3. How can they transfers kids around, when the real problem is building unsafe conditions, dark and windowless classrooms, bad teaching curriculum, low expectations ( The higher expectations on the kids the better they will do with the right support).

    4. Kids at Neelsville MS scoring might be bad because they are not offered enough scholar help, counseling, material, light in the room.

    5. Moving kids around is just going to cost more for busses to move the kids around to a further school since CLARKSBURG kids are further from Neelsville MS and vise versa.

    6. The real solution, fix the school building to make it safe, better the material being taught to kids, give the right school support to kids from FARMS because every kids is smart and is able to excel with the right help, and tools, and location.

    Montgomery county is one and all schools should be teaching the same thing, and all of our kids should feel safe and happy in the school where they spend most of the day every week. We know, if we are not happy, safe, and given the tools to learn where we are, we will most likely not excel!!!

    It is unfair, and many would say illegal to try to move CLARKSBURG kids to a unsafe school, were teaching curriculum is not the same as other schools.

    This is just sad and traumatic for all the kids.

    1. "teaching curriculum is not the same as other schools"?

      The whole point of curriculum 2.0 and whatever replaces it is that all schools are teaching the same things at the same times, in pretty much the same ways, with the exception of the ESY schools who are on a modified timetable. As far as I"m aware, Neelsville has Curriculum 2.0 the same as other MCPS schools.

      They should, however, be resourced equitably and the facility should be updated last year already. That I'll agree with.

  3. It's unfair for the kids. The kids will have both physical and mental distress also will make a huge impact on their personal and academical growth.


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