
Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Universities at Shady Grove has only 2,000 Undergraduate Students


  1. All things been equal, 3,000 students spread across nine universities comes out to 333 students each.

  2. If you have a point to make, I'm not seeing it.

    FWIW their current homepage says 400+ students at USG.

    1. 400+? No. It doesn't say that. Their number is 2,000 for UNDERGRADUATES. Not just people who happen to have lunch their or attend meetings. The whole purpose of the campus was to provide a place for students to finish their undergraduate degrees in Montgomery County.

      Now go find the Capital funding that has been poured into this campus to support just 2,000 students. That's the next part of the story, the tremendous amount of tax dollars that have gone into this campus for very low attendance.

      Meanwhile, students attempting to get a high school diploma are denied classrooms, bathrooms and facilities.

    2. ICYMI the correct current website states:
      “Nearly 4,000 students attend programs at USG and future capacity is expected to grow to 7,500”
      It also lists the nine universities that offer programs there.

  3. And their number for UNDERGRADUATES is still at 2,000.

    The whole purpose of this campus was for undergraduate degrees to be completed and only 2,000 students are being served on this campus.

  4. AN EXPEDITED ACT to authorize funds for the design and construction of a parking garage and related modifications at the Universities at Shady Grove (USG) Campus. Project No. 151201 in the Gaithersburg Vicinity planning area.

    The County's commitment to fund the garage (capped at $20 million) is intended to leverage state
    funding ($169.0 million) for a 220,000 square foot Biomedical ScienceslEngineering Education
    academic building. Construction of the academic building will require the removal of the existing

    surface parking lot. The new parking garage will replace lost capacity and add capacity necessary to
    accommodate an increase in students, faculty, and staff.

    By adding to the laws of Montgomery County 2013


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