
Monday, December 9, 2019

12/6/19: Queens parents rage after being barred from school diversity meeting @WXYStudio @mcps

...To help shepherd their diversification plan, the DOE contracted with WXY Studio, an architectural and urban planning firm that also manages public engagement on thorny civic issues.
A DOE spokeswoman repeatedly referred to the group, helmed by Adam Lubinsky and Claire Weisz, as a “neutral” party Thursday and intimated that the DOE was assuming a peripheral role.
“Having a neutral facilitator could add value,” said DOE Director of Community Affairs Sadye Campoamor. “It could provide a neutral approach so that DOE isn’t making decisions.”
But that notion was met with immediate derision from parents who grilled attending WXY representatives about everything from their childbearing status to the exact nature of the contracts they signed with the DOE...

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