
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Fairfax County, Virginia’s former schools auditor said that when a whistleblower brought her evidence that implicated Cenergistic as well as top school officials, both the whistleblower and the auditor were fired by those same officials.

A major “green” firm called Cenergistic says it’s saved more than 1,000 schools and local governments $5.5 billion in energy costs, taking portions of those savings as fees.
But a new lawsuit, a decade of government investigations, and news reports show that Cenergistic is an Enron-linked, for-profit company that has allegedly talked its way into no-bid contracts after secretly putting school officials on its payroll, and then billed districts for questionable savings whose basis it refuses to explain...
...In a lawsuit filed Nov. 1, 2019, the former auditor for Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) in Virginia, Goli Trump, said she was fired by school board president Sandy Evans in retaliation for pursuing an investigation into Cenergistic that implicated superintendent Karen Garza as well as Evans herself...
… [Goli] Trump then obtained access to school system emails which showed that “it appeared that Platenberg had been paid to take numerous ‘marketing trips’ on behalf of Cenergistic.”..

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