
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Jennifer Gross: Board of Education has "willfully and intentionally left massive loopholes in their Employee Code of Conduct"

Jennifer Marie Gross

This article is maddening for several reasons not the least of which is the fact that MCPS is once again making ridiculous statements about what they did not know. The fact is, they don't know if there have ever been reports about him before because they have willfully and intentionally left massive loopholes in their Employee Code of Conduct that specifically state they do not have to document all concerns and they have also left a clause in that I call the "nice guys get a pass and jerks get disciplined" Since the day I forced them to implement their code of conduct and I saw these loopholes, I have tried to get them taken out and yet, as of this morning they are still in the code.

So...parents, when you see MCPS say things like, MCPS spokeswoman Gboyinde Onijala said Friday that MCPS officials were not told of any allegations of misconduct or inappropriate behavior by Reburn while he was employed. "We take all reports, complaints and concerns from community members, students and staff seriously,” Onijala said. “I feel very strongly if any allegations were brought forward, (the administration) would have acted swiftly.”
PLEASE know, that's a lie. Plain and simple.

For anyone interested in more details of my comment above, please see this document I wrote per the request of a member of the BOE (who never responded once I submitted it). I did get a response from MCPS who stated I was instilling a culture of fear and preventing them from responding in a trauma informed way. Telling the truth about child sexual abuse and demanding systems protect children is trauma informed. 

What is not trauma informed is the MCPS spokesperson saying offensive, victim shaming and blaming things in this article like, "she wrote that “there are students and community members who have expressed concern over [Salvatore’s column] because they did not experience or witness any of the things the student mentions in her opinion piece.” That is exactly what a lot of people at Cloverly said and yet, John Vigna sits in prison for sexually abusing multiple children in an MCPS classroom. Apparently no one in MCPS has yet learned anything about child sexual abuse.

2018 Jennifer Gross Stateme... by Parents' Coalition of Montg...

1 comment:

  1. So those darn massive loopholes
    Just like those subtle potholes
    Are presently out of control
    With innocent paying the toll.


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