
Saturday, February 8, 2020

Constitution and Bylaws of the Montgomery County Region of the Maryland Association of Student Councils

Constitution and Bylaws of the 
Montgomery County Region (MCR)
of the Maryland Association of Student Councils

We, the high school students of Montgomery County, in order to initiate educational reform, promote good relations among Montgomery County high schools, provide a forum for the students of those schools to express their opinions, act on directives of those students, and express the collective opinions of Montgomery County high school students to the schools, the Montgomery County Board of Education, County Council, and the general community, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Montgomery County Region of the Maryland Association of Student Councils.
The name of this organization shall be the Montgomery County Region of the Maryland Association of Student Councils, hereafter referred to as MCR.

ARTICLE II - Sponsorship and Advisor

Section 1. Sponsorship - MCR shall be under the sponsorship of the Board of Education, Montgomery County Public Schools, hereafter referred to as MCPS.
Section 2. Advisor - The Advisor to MCR shall be selected by the superintendent of MCPS by a process agreed upon by MCR.

ARTICLE III - Affiliations and Associations

Section 1. Affiliations - MCR shall maintain affiliations with the Maryland Association of Student Councils, hereafter referred to as MASC; and with such organizations as may be specified in the Bylaws.
Section 2. Associations - MCR shall maintain associations with the Montgomery County Junior Councils, hereafter referred to as MCJC; and with such organizations as may be specified in the Bylaws.
MCJC shall be a constitutionally independent and separate entity to MCR and will be represented in the Executive Board by one voting representative and four voting representatives in the General Assembly. Additionally, MCR shall maintain a close relationship with MCJC.

ARTICLE IV - Membership
Section 1. Affiliates - Any high school student government organization in Montgomery County, including student government organizations of public and private high schools, shall be eligible for affiliate membership in MCR and shall become an affiliate upon payment of dues such as are specified in the Bylaws.

Section 2. Associates - Other groups or individuals residing in Montgomery County and having an interest in the welfare of its youth, not eligible for executive or affiliate membership, shall be eligible for associate membership in MCR upon approval by the Executive Board and shall become an associate upon payment of dues such as are specified in the Bylaws.

ARTICLE V - General Assembly
Section 1. Membership - Membership in the General Assembly shall be limited to the elected officers of MCR, Executive Board members, voting representatives of MCJC, and to those delegates selected from and by the student bodies of the schools the affiliates represent. The number of delegates shall be determined, as specified in the bylaws, by affiliate enrollment.
Section 2. Meetings
Clause 1. Except as provided for this Constitution or in the Bylaws, all meetings of the General Assembly shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
Clause 2. The General Assembly shall meet a minimum of 8 times per school year, when feasible, at times and places to be determined by the Executive Board or the General Assembly. The Executive Board or the General Assembly shall be empowered to reschedule meetings as well as call additional ones.
Clause 3. All members of MCR shall be provided with notice of a meeting of the General Assembly at least 9 school days prior to the meeting.
Clause 4. All meetings of the General Assembly shall be chaired by the President, Vice President, or Treasurer, in that order, each successive officer assuming the chair should the preceding one be unable to do so. Should all 3 officers be unable to assume the chair, the Secretary shall convene the meeting and preside until the General Assembly elects a temporary chair.
Clause 5. Each member of the General Assembly shall be allowed one and only one vote in the General Assembly, with the exception of the chair who shall vote only at such times as his/her vote will affect the outcome of a vote.
Clause 6. Non-delegates from affiliates, and delegates of associates, and others, by permission of the chair, shall be entitled to be observers of the General Assembly and shall be accorded all privileges of members save that of suffrage.
Section 3. Duties and Responsibilities - The General Assembly shall regulate its membership and that of MCR; hear the recommendations of its various committees; regulate its own affairs; legislate as it deems necessary; direct the Executive Board and the President in such matters over which it is not specifically denied jurisdiction by this constitution; and serve to elect the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary of MCR.

ARTICLE VI - Officers and Standing Committees
Section 1. Elected Officers - The elected officers of MCR shall be the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.
Clause 1. The elected officers of MCR shall have attended at least 4 meetings of the General Assembly and 2 meetings of the Executive Board prior to the election of the officers. Elected officers must also meet all academic requirements as set forth in policy and regulations by the Montgomery County Board of Education.
Clause 2. The elected officers shall have those voting rights accorded to them in this Constitution.
Clause 3. The elected officers shall take office prior to the close of the last regular meeting of the Executive Board of the school year, and shall serve until the completion of their terms, which shall be defined as the last regular meeting of the Executive Board in the year of service.
Section 2. General Elections
Clause 1. The general elections of officers shall occur at the next-to last regular meeting of the General Assembly in that school year.
Clause 2. The Executive Board shall be notified of all nominations at a meeting of that body prior to the elections meeting of the General Assembly. Nominating shall be formally presented to the General Assembly on the day of the elections meeting.
Clause 3. The procedures and rules governing the election of officers shall be specified in the Bylaws and shall be reviewed by the Executive Board prior to an election.
Section 3. Duties and Responsibilities
Clause 1. The President shall:
• Chair all meetings of the General Assembly, the Executive Board , and the regional caucus at MASC functions;
• Represent MCR at meetings of the MASC Executive Board; In case the president is absent, a representative, may take his/her place at the meeting, with full voting privileges.
• Represent the viewpoint of MCR to the community-at-large;
• Appoint eligible people to fill positions such as are specified in the Bylaws
• Directly oversee and supervise the appointed staff of the Executive Board;
• Be an ex-officio member of all committees;
• Carry out directives of the General Assembly or the Executive Board ; and
• Perform all other functions devolving upon the office.
Clause 2. The Vice President shall:
• Assume the duties which the President is unable to fulfill;
• Act as student advisor to MCJC and attend meetings of the Executive Board of the organization;
• Be an ex-officio member of all committees;
• Carry out directives of the General Assembly, the Executive Board , or the President; and
• Assume the presidency should the office be vacated.
• Supervise the MCJC Liaison;
Clause 3. The Treasurer shall:
• Prepare a budget proposal for the fiscal year, which shall be defined as July 1 through June 30;
• Supervise the collection of dues and maintain records of membership status;
• Maintain complete and accurate financial records for MCR;
• Handle all monetary matters;
• Coordinate the selection of and fundraising efforts for the MCR charity.
• Assume the duties which the Vice President is unable to fulfill;
• Carry out directives of the General Assembly, the Executive Board , or the President; and
• Become acting vice-president should the office be vacated until such time as a special election shall be held to fill the office.
Clause 4. The Secretary shall:
• Take complete and accurate minutes of all meetings and publish those minutes;
• Handle all matters of correspondence for MCR and maintain records of that correspondence;
• Oversee all information dissemination activities of MCR;
• Publicize scheduled MCR meetings and activities;
• Carry out directives of the General Assembly, the Executive Board , or the President;
• Maintain the roll of all meetings of the General Assembly and Executive Board ;
• Advise the president on procedural matters;
• Review the Constitution every year before the first regularly scheduled General Assembly;
• Facilitate the revision of the platform every January
• Recommend changes to the Constitution;
• Aid all members of the General Assembly in understanding matters of procedure; and
• Supervise any roll call vote taken at meetings of the General Assembly and Executive Board .
Section 4. Standing Committees - The standing committees of MCR which are specified in the Bylaws shall exist.

ARTICLE VII - Executive Board
The Executive Board shall be composed of all executive members of MCR and shall embody all authority such as is delegated it by this Constitution, the Bylaws, and the General Assembly.
Section 1. Membership
Clause 1. All elected officers of MCR, presidents of affiliate organizations, and the Vice President of MCJC or his/her representatives shall become executive members upon filing their respective positions.
Clause 2. All chairs of standing committees and those staff members whose positions are specified in the Bylaws shall become executive members upon appointment by the President
Section 2. Meetings
Clause 1. Except for as provided for in this Constitution or the Bylaws, all meetings of the Executive Board shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
Clause 2. The Executive Board shall meet not less than once each month during the school year at a time and place to be determined by the President or the Executive Board . The President or the Executive Board shall be empowered to reschedule meetings as well as to call additional ones.
Clause 3. All executive members shall be provided with notice of all meetings of the Executive Board at least 7 days prior to the meeting.
Clause 4. All meetings of the Executive Board shall be chaired by the President, Vice President, or Treasurer; in that order, each successive officer assuming the chair should the preceding one be unable to do so. Should all 3 officers be unable to assume the chair, the Secretary shall convene the meeting and preside until the Executive Board elects a temporary chairs.
Clause 5. Each executive member shall be allowed one and only one vote in the Executive Board with the exception of the chair, who shall vote only at such times as his/her vote will affect the outcome of the vote.
Clause 6. Those who are not executive members of MCR shall by permission of the chair, be entitled to be observers of the Executive Board and shall be accorded all privileges of executive members save that of suffrage.

ARTICLE VIII - Powers and Accountability

Section 1. Powers - If a power is not specifically denied the General Assembly or defined by this Constitution, and the same power is specifically granted the President or the Executive Board or both; the General Assembly shall be empowered by a simple majority, to prevent either the President or the Executive Board from considering a question devolving from that power; and likewise the Executive Board shall be empowered by a 2/3 vote, to prevent the President from considering a question devolving from that power.
Section 2. Impeachment and Removal of Elected Officers of MCR- Procedures for the impeachment and removal of all elected officers of MCR shall be the same.
Clause 1. The impeachment of a MCR elected officer shall occur when a petition stating the charges against the officer is approved by a majority of the individual affiliate members and is filed with the Executive Board
Clause 2. Upon receipt of the petition, the Executive Board shall investigate the charges.
Clause 3. Not more than 28 school days following the receipt of the petition the Executive Board shall convene a hearing on the impeachment.
Clause 4. After the hearing, the Executive Board shall vote on removal of the member, which shall require a vote of 2/3 of the entire Executive Board .
Section 3. Succession and Replacement
Clause 1. Any position in MCR that does not require an election by the General Assembly shall be filled according to procedures as outlined in the Bylaws.
Clause 2. If the office of President is vacated, its duties and responsibilities shall be filled by the Vice President. The Vice President shall appoint a person to replace him/her by a majority vote of approval by the Executive Board ; this person shall be know as the "Acting Vice President" until a special election is held to fill the vacancy. Should the office of Treasurer, or Secretary be vacated, said replacement procedure shall be the same as prescribed for the replacement of the Vice President.
Clause 3. Any elected position vacated before the term of office has expired shall be filed by a special election in the General Assembly no more than 40 school days following the vacating of said office, only if the said special election occurs 60 school days prior to the general election for the following year. The election shall be conducted according to the procedures and rules specified in the Bylaws for general elections.

There shall exist a set of governing rules and policies of MCR, separate from this Constitution, to be know as the Bylaws.
Section 1. Contents - The Bylaws shall contain:
• The terms and details of any affiliations or associations not provided for in the Constitution;
• All policies regarding annual dues and delegate representation scheduled for affiliate and associate members;
• All policies regarding standing committees;
• The duties and responsibilities of any staff member not provided for in the Constitution;
• The rules and procedures guiding election of officers; and
• Any further rules guiding the operation of the Executive Board and the General Assembly such as are deemed necessary.
Section 2. Annual Review - Each incoming President shall review the Bylaws and submit his/her proposal to the Executive Board prior to the convening of the first meeting of the General Assembly. The bylaws shall take effect upon approval by two-thirds vote of the Executive Board and shall expire 45 days following the first day of the term of the incoming president.
Section 3. Amendments
Clause 1. The Bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board .
Clause 2. The Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the General Assembly.

ARTICLE X - Amendments
This Constitution may be amended by 2/3 of the General Assembly if all members of MCR are informed of the proposed amendment at least 9 school days prior to the vote; otherwise, it may be amended by 4/5 of the total membership of the General Assembly.
ARTICLE XI - Ratification This constitution shall take effect as the MCR Constitution when approved as an amendment to the standing MCR Constitution.
Ratified: October 21, 1982
Amended: May 1985; May 1995; November 2000; February 2002, February 2005, February 23, 2007, November 4, 2010


The Montgomery County Region (MCR) of the Maryland Association of Student Councils

Bylaws to the Constitution

ARTICLE I - Affiliations and Associations

MCR shall be affiliated or associated with those groups as defined by the MCR Constitution.

ARTICLE II - Dues and Delegate Representation Schedules

Section 1. Individual associations seeking associate membership shall pay $10.00 in annual dues and have all rights except for voting priviledges.
Section 2. Affiliates shall be allotted a number of select delegates to the General Assembly based on total enrollment. Affiliates are encouraged to select two permanent delegates to attend the General Assembly for a year. Individual associations seeking affiliate membership shall pay as follows in annual dues:

Voting DelegatesDues
Section 3. All affiliates shall pay annual dues by the first regularly scheduled General Assembly. Failure to pay dues shall result in the loss of General Assembly voting privileges until such time as said dues are paid.
Section 4:
 Schools joining both MCR and MASC through MCR on or before November 1st shall receive a $5.00 discount on their MCR dues.

ARTICLE III - Standing Committees

Section 1. The Special Elections Committee shall be a countywide committee comprised of students from grades 6-12. The MCR Special Elections Administrator shall chair this committee. This committee shall be responsible for administering the annual election of the Student Member of the Board of Education. Every high school within Montgomery County is encouraged to send one student delegate to serve as a liaison on the Special Elections Committee for the election of the Student Member of the Board of Education.
Section 2. Other standing committees of MCR shall be as listed in Article IV.
ARTICLE IV - Staff Members
Section 1. The Special Elections Administrator shall: organize and monitor the annual elections of the Student Member of the Board of Education; evaluate the election and prepare a report that shall be submitted to the Executive Board; chair the Special Elections Committee.
Section 2.
The two Special Elections Deputies shall assist the Special Elections Administrator in his/her duties.
Section 3. The Public Affairs Director shall: promote an understanding among MCPS students of their rights and responsibilities; plan and execute advocacy training workshops; share student advocacy tips at MCR meetings ; work in coordination with outside organizations as necessary in order to effectively communicate student related issues (i.e. SMOB Council); coordinate and oversee voter registration initiatives at each high school; coordinate MCR action on affairs and items of interest to the Montgomery County high school student body.
Section 4
The Lobbying Director shall: research and monitor the development of legislation related to education and youth issues under consideration by the Board of Education, the County Council, and the Maryland General Assembly; propose positions and draft testimony on said issues for presentation in the appropriate forums; coordinate MCR lobbying and testimony efforts; empower student leaders with legislative resources, information, and training; attend MASC Legislative Lobbying Day , MASC Legislative Session, and BOE and County Council Meetings as appropriate.
Section 5. The MCR Logistics Director shall: assist the MCR Advisor on administrative tasks of MCR; keep accurate attendance records at all MCR events and track elected and appointed staff student service learning hours; write correspondence and messages on behalf of MCR at the request of the President/Advisor (thank you notes for schools hosting MCR events and to special presenters at MCR events, etc. using official MCR letterhead); work to ensure all phases of student service-learning (SSL) are followed for MCR activities; present quality SSL activity and program ideas at MCR meetings and/or in the MCR newsletters; work with the Student Affairs Office to maintain the MCR website.
Section 6. The MCR Events Director shall: work with the Executive Board in planning food, snacks, facilities, and clean-up for MCR Executive Board meetings and other special MCR events as needed; ensure recycling is practiced at all meetings and promote environmental awareness among the Executive Board and General Assembly attendants; organize and coordinate the delegate breakout sessions at the General Assembly (with design assistance provided by the executive board); assist MCR with the development of supplemental programs as may be appropriate; work with the MCPS Department of Family and Community Partnerships
and with assets who have attended study circles in the past to explore diversity related actions and/or initiatives.
Section 7. The Public Relations Director shall: promote awareness and understanding about MCR throughout the county’s high schools and community media outlets (morning announcements, school newspapers, etc .); prepare press releases at the request of staff members; distribute correspondence at the request of staff members upon authorization from the President/Advisor; publish a MCR newsletter at the end of each quarter ; contact school presidents and advisors at the request of the President; serve as the historian by taking pictures at each MCR General Assembly, Executive Board Meeting, or other event in order to design and maintain the end of the year MCR scrapbook.
Section 8. 
The Chief of Staff shall: ensure, through regular phone calls and email messages, that all members of the Executive Board are completing their duties; conduct routine evaluations of all MCR activities (including Executive Board meetings and General Assembly meetings) and present these evaluations to the Executive Board each month; compile the annual MCR report to the Board of Education; collect regular staff and committee reports; make recommendations on improving MCR activities; serve as a general assistant to the President of MCR.
Section 9. The MCCPTA Liaison shall: assist the President in supporting representation of MCR to various County stake- holders; prepare presentations about MCR to MCCPTA members; prepare presentations about MCCPTA to MCR members; attend all MCCPTA meetings and other MCCPTA related events as necessary; serve as the conduit between MCR and MCCPTA, delivering MCR’s standpoints and perspectives to the MCCPTA and vice versa; work with the Lobbying Director to collaborate with selected issues of the MCCPTA.
Section 10. All staff members shall: fulfill and complete their tasks and duties to the best extent of their abilities, comply with MCPS policies and regulations, attend all Executive Board and General Assembly meetings; actively participate in MCR activities; maintain regular communication with the Chief of Staff, officers, other staff members, and the advisor ; give monthly progress reports on activities and tasks, and submit a year end report relating to  their actions during that year. Additionally, the Executive Board members are to serve as liaisons to their high schools, ensuring full participation and consistent communication. A single dereliction of a duty mentioned above shall be considered a breach of contract and a violation of the responsibilities of a staff member, potentially leading to impeachment as specified in Article VII.
Section 11. The President shall have the authority to appoint eligible people to fill vacant positions such as are specified in the Bylaws should vacancies arise.
Section 12.The Executive Board may establish new staff positions or eliminate vacant staff positions in the bylaws by a 2/3 vote, following a formal request from the President.
Section 13. Deputies to each of the aforementioned staff members will be appointed accordingly and will serve as staff members under the direct supervision of their director or administrator. Deputies will be appointed to all positions with the exception of the MCCPTA Liaison and the MCR Logistics Director. Should the need arise for deputies for any of these specific staff positions, a formal request will be written and submitted to the Executive Board that will then be confirmed by a 2/3 vote. The MCR Staff Deputies shall: assist in completing the tasks/responsibilities of their respective supervising directors; act as the standing director should the director be absent in any event (General Assembly, Executive Board, etc.); provide active input and communicate effectively with their corresponding director; serve as an active member of the MCR Executive Board.

ARTICLE V - Elections and Related Activities

Section 1. The Executive Board shall establish and approve the rules and procedures that shall govern the election of officers, special elections, referenda, and other events that require a systematic and precise reporting of the intent or wishes of the General Assembly or member schools. Said rules and procedures shall be made known to the membership no less than 14 days prior to said special event.
Section 2. The Executive Board shall review and approve the rules and procedures that shall govern the election of officers in the spring of that year, a minimum of a month prior to the election.
Section 3
. Rules and procedures governing elections, special elections, referenda, and other special events shall be maintained on file in the Student Affairs Office.

ARTICLE VI - General Assembly Participants

Section 1
Each school that is a member of MCR shall be strongly encouraged to have at least one student actively serving on each of the MCR committees.
Section 2. Each school that is a member of MCR shall be strongly encouraged to nominate an individual as its school’s MCR liaison. The MCR Executive Board shall confirm with a majority vote only those liaisons present at the meeting. The liaison, upon confirmation by the majority vote of the Executive Board, shall, as a member of the Executive Board: serve as a link between MCR and his/her school; coordinate the school’s delegates to General Assemblies; become a voting member of the Executive Board following his/her school’s payment of dues; and receive one vote to be added to his/her school’s number of voting delegates as specified in Article 2, Section 2 of the Bylaws to the Constitution.  Only the confirmed liaison of a member school may exercise the right to the additional vote.  This vote may not be transferred to another.
Section 3. In the event that the President of a school is also an elected member of MCR or confirmed as a staff member, then he/she may, with the consent of his/her school’s student government, appoint a representative from his/her school to serve as his/her school’s presidential representative vote on the MCR Executive Board or General

ARTICLE VII - Impeachment and Removal of Staff Members
Section 1.Procedures for the impeachment and removal of all chairs of standing committees and staff members whose positions are specified in the Bylaws shall be the same.
Section 2.
Clause 1. Following three discrete violations of Article IV by a staff member, the MCR Advisor and President shall begin investigating and, if necessary, make recommendations for impeachment in a petition stating the charges against the staff member. These members of MCR may be impeached once a petition stating the charges against the staff member is approved by a majority vote of the elected officers of MCR.
Clause 2. Immediately following a majority vote, the staff member in question shall be considered under impeachment.
Clause 3. The elected officers shall immediately investigate the charges following the majority vote to impeach.
Clause 4
. Not more than 28 school days following the approval of the petition, the Executive Board shall convene a hearing on the impeachment.
Clause 5. 
After the hearing, the Executive Board shall vote on the removal of the member, which shall require a majority vote of the Executive Board if all members of the Executive Board are informed of the proposed removal at least 9 school days prior to the vote; otherwise, these members may be removed by 2/3 of the total membership of the Executive Board.

ARTICLE VIII- Jurisdiction

Section 1
. This document shall be appended to the Constitution for the duration of its authorization, but shall be superseded by the Constitution in any conflicts.

ARTICLE IX - Adoption

Section 1. This document shall take effect upon approval by two-thirds vote of the Executive Board and shall expire 45 days following the first day of the term of the incoming president.
Approved: September 1, 2011

1 comment:

  1. The above Constitution shows that Student Government is not open to ALL students. Only those that satisfy a GPA requirement can participate in this organization. Adults who run for Board of Education positions have no such restrictions on their ability to run for a seat. Adult voters also have no such restriction on their ability to vote for Board of Education members.

    If the Student member of the Board of Education is to be equal in powers and in stipend received, shouldn't the students have the same opportunity to participate in the process as adults?


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