
Thursday, March 5, 2020

Balt. Sun on H.B. 974: Hidden Predator Act of 2020

Synopsis: Allows adult victims of child sexual abuse to file “an action for damages” at any time, regardless of how long ago the incidents occurred.

Analysis: This bill was first introduced last year by Del. C.T. Wilson of Charles County, himself a survivor of child sexual abuse, and it sailed through the House only to be crushed in the Senate — the victim of a 5-5 deadlock in that body’s Judicial Proceedings Committee, when progressive Democrat Jill Carter unexpectedly sided with four conservative Republicans to kill it.

Indeed, the bill has had strong opposition, most of it coming from the Catholic Church, no doubt terrified by the monsoon of lawsuits and settlement conferences that could result from such a law change, as well as a provision within the bill that would open a two-year window for those who were previously barred from suing to do so retroactively...

Editorial board recommendation: Pass...


  1. It must be that time of the year
    Lawmakers running in high gear
    Making certain that their bills
    Advance steadily toward the rear.

    "He said jurors told him afterward that there wasn’t enough evidence to convict the pastor."
    When in doubt throw it out.

    1. An advocate of alleged abusers?
      “We fight for justice for victims every day." That's the problem - he is still calling the complainant a "victim" even after a not-guilty verdict. They call people who allege sexual abuse "victims" from the very start and even after they are shown to be liars. It should be illegal to call such a person a victim until the judge or jury speaks. Even in cases where the complainant later retracts his or her allegation, they called the complainant the victim from the very start, but in fact it was the accused who was the victim. This goes against the presumption that the accused is innocent until proven guilty, and should be illegal."


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