
Tuesday, June 23, 2020

“All of those things combined just make it a complex problem — human behavior, contact and virus,” she said. “You put it all in a big pot, and boom!”

Bars, Strip Clubs and Churches: U.S. Virus Outbreaks Enter Unwieldy Phase

For months, clusters often centered in nursing homes, prisons and food processing plants. With Americans venturing into public more, new types of outbreaks are emerging.

...The newly emerging clusters — which vary in size from a handful of cases to hundreds and have cropped up in large cities as well as small towns — reflect the unpredictable course of the coronavirus. They also underscore risks that experts say are likely to persist as long as states try to reopen economies and Americans venture back into public without a vaccine...

...In Union County, Ore., a rural community of 27,000 about four hours from Portland, officials had recorded only eight cases of the virus by early June. By June 20, the tally had swelled to over 250. Most have been tied to an outbreak at a local church, the Lighthouse Pentecostal Church. “It was a little bit surprising, because so many people for so long were following stay-at-home,” said Paul Anderes, a Union County commissioner...

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