
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

VA State leaders explained a three-part schools reopening plan

...State leaders explained a three-part schools reopening plan that matches the phases Northam has put in place to reopen the economy. While the plan offers guidance, school systems and private schools have flexibility to tailor their own plans, which then must be submitted for approval...

...Phase 2 of the education reopening plan allows for in-person teaching for prekindergarten through third-grade students, students with disabilities and students who are not fluent in English. Strict social distancing protocols must be enforced; on school buses, just one child may be assigned to each seat, Northam said.
School assemblies and other large gatherings are limited to 50 people; school clubs and extracurricular activities may be reinstated as long as students follow social distancing guidelines. Student-athletes are permitted to resume practices, so long as they keep 10 feet away from one another and disinfect shared equipment, such as helmets and uniforms, between uses...

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