
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Special Education students are being left behind | READER COMMENTARY

I’m the mother of a 14 year old son with non-verbal, regressive autism. He has epilepsy, PANDAS and other co-existing conditions. Nothing about this life is easy. Every day is an uphill battle. I’ve spent the last 14 years of my life advocating for the best, supportive services to help my son learn, develop and empower him with tools to function in this chaotic, overstimulating world. 1 in 34 boys in MD have an autism diagnosis. This is NOT going away. Stats go up consistently every year. Guess who is failing our kids during COVID? The state if MD. FAPE isn’t being delivered. IEP’s are out of compliance. They have zero contingency plans. Families have been patient, cooperative and compliant for seven months stepping up into a special educator/therapist role. Virtual is not a long-term solution and not sustainable. I’ve been advocating for six weeks for an in-home therapist.

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