
Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Superintendent Jack R. Smith: “We have to come up with a good collective response,” said Smith. “Otherwise ... should we just disband public education?"

Several state legislators and school superintendents are calling for clear, statewide standards schools must meet in order to reopen for face-to-face instruction.
In a call with legislators, three Maryland superintendents representing different areas of the state, said they would like clear metrics or standards that must be met so that schools can reopen safely, including the rate of spread of the virus, the amount of personal protective gear available, and how rapidly tests can be done.
“We believe that it is critical that MSDE and the health department come together to establish metrics that are thoughtful,” said Montgomery County School Superintendent Jack Smith...
...Smith, Santelises and Griffith also said the public conversation must shift between whether schools should be all online or all in-person, to considering other options, such as bringing back small numbers of students who are the most vulnerable.
“We have to come up with a good collective response,” said Smith. “Otherwise ... should we just disband public education? What if there isn’t a vaccine in a year or two years? Are we really going to stay out of school for multiple years?”

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