
Tuesday, September 1, 2020

TODAY: The Maryland State Board of Education is holding a meeting on recommendations for the school year which began yesterday for many school districts. Follow @KateRyanWTOP for play by play coverage of breaking State BOE news.

The Maryland State Board of Education is holding a meeting on recommendations for the school year which began yesterday for many school districts. Discussion of how school day ought to be organized in "synchronous" vs "asynchronous" learning is being discussed 
"Synchronous" - online in real time with instruction before the whole class 
"Asyncrhonous" - online instruction that can be played at anytime, not in realtime or "live" 
MD State School Board member Rachel McCusker, attending meeting from her classroom (she's an educator) says it's "unacceptable" for the board to be considering a plan that the public hasn't had a chance to weigh in on. 
Board members ask when the options being presented today, Plans A and B were first presented. Answer: last Monday. 
Carol Williamson says the plan was first made public Friday--this past Friday. 
That's Dr. Carol Williamson 
Dr. Mele-McCarthy points out synchronous learning may be of special help to kids who struggle with material--not just kids with IEPs (individual education plans) 
Board member Rose Li says the timing of the recommendations has raised questions, and asks about assistance that could be offered to school systems to meet those. 
aaand I get points knocked off for spelling: it's asynchronous and synchronous. (definitions still hold) 
Board member Lori Morrow also critical of the "timing" and "manner" of the rollout of the recommendations: Friday night and then posted to web so public could see on Saturday morning. Asks to postpone decision until later meeting. 
another member (appearing online as call in user 2) says "its unfair to be overly critical of Dr. Salmon and Governor Hogan" regarding plans because of the "fluidity of the circumstance" "response to a pandemic is fluid" 
Motion is made to delay decision on scheduling for Maryland state schools 
Student member of the Board, Jason Wu asks if the motion to delay action until 9/22 would schools then have to try to move forward with in person learning? 
Dr. Salmon says "You're asking me some hard questions, Jason" but says she'd check to see if Option A remains on the table for a 9/22 meeting whether the 9/28 reevaluation would be required by school systems. 
Board member Vermelle Green says she does not want to see a delay, "We should decide on one or another today" and says she's concerned about some students who are being harmed by online learning (reading skills in particular) 
Now we are getting some more motions to tweak either Option A or Option B. 
Gen Sumpter warns against "kicking the can down the road" if more feedback is wanted, he says Board should act before 9/22 
Motion to delay the decision fails 7-6-1 (a vote of 8 needed to pass) one member had to leave before the vote 
on different suggested motion now, Vermelle Green "the babies need to be back in school" says schools should look to have in-person learning "as soon as possible" 

1 comment:

  1. Why is it taking sooo much time to make a decision? I had a plan back in June. The homeschool cirruloums is in place and works great. School systems should have started there. They also should make specials optional for now while doing virtual. Children at home can play outside (p e) music kids play music at home art also should be a choice for the children to chose if they want yo participate online. Doing that knocks off screen time especially for pre-k to 2nd -3rd grade. Ask the teachers they are very smart and know what works. You keep going back and forth. No one is going to play with my grandchildrends lives. If it isn't 100% safe it isn't a plan. Stop playing roll the dice with our precious children just so our state and governor looks great. And then to hang $10 million over their heads how shameful is that. They are not looking out for the lives of our children.


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