
Thursday, October 1, 2020

Breaking: State Ranks MCPS Poor in Maintenance Effectiveness in MD Public School Buildings Report Released Today

From the Report:  

Table A provides a summary of the maintenance effectiveness ratings of each LEA during the period of FY 2015 through FY 2020. The data shows that eight school systems achieved a high percentage of Good or Superior ratings; seven of these LEAs have portfolios with average adjusted ages between 19 and 29 years, which is below the statewide average of 30 years for square footage. The remaining high-achieving LEA has an average adjusted age of 34 years. Of the twelve LEAs highlighted in red that had less than 65% of their FY 2020 assessments result in Good or Superior ratings, five are younger than the average and six are older; five are the largest school systems (greater than 100 schools) and five are within the smallest (8 of 24 LEAs have 15 or fewer schools). The six-year summary, FY15 – FY20, includes the results of the latest year assessed. A six-year summary aligns with information included in the annual Managing for Results (MFR) submission.


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