
Thursday, November 5, 2020

Exclusive: Board of Education Still Charging Students Illegal Curricular Fees Even While Students are at Home. Because Why Not Rip Off Students During a Pandemic!

We checked to see if the Montgomery County Board of Education was going to take this opportunity to provide a free public education for all Montgomery County Public School students, or if they were still going to charge students illegal curricular fees to attend public school classes.

We looked at just one school.  

Just one and we immediately saw that the Board of Education illegal practice of charging students fees to attend public school classes is continuing.  Even during a Global Pandemic where students are learning online from home, the Board of Education is happy to deny students their right to a free public education.  

The illegal curricular fees are clearly labeled as fees for "at home during virtual learning." 

The Maryland Attorney General's statement on these fees is reproduced, once again, below a sample of Board of Education "at home during virtual learning" illegal curricular fees from the MCPS website. 

KameenOAGLetter by Parents' Coalition of Montg...


  1. "To borrow the North Dakota Supreme Court's formulation, whatever is an 'integral part of the educational system' must be free."
    Maybe they should look outside of Maryland for other formulations as well.

    1. No one is looking for anything. Maryland elected officials and the Montgomery County Board of Education love these illegal class fees.

    2. The officials are a rare selection
      Like an assortment of jokers wild
      As soon as they win an election
      Dash into the woodwork and hide.

  2. What happens if a parent refuses to pay the fee?

    1. Their child receives a free public education. Just show the above letter to your teacher/principal and the fees magically disappear. Any questions about fees to the the Board of Education or State legislators become "misunderstandings" and go away.

      No one can ever dispute these illegal fees in court because when challenged they are removed. That's how extortion works.

  3. My son's math class is not offered at his high school, and his counselor does not want him to take it on-line at Blair; therefore, he is registering at Montgomery College.
    The dual curriculum coordinator for MCSquared has taught my son that "only low-income" people ask MCPS to cover MC classes.

    This is a $500 charge. I do not have to be low income to ask the school to cover a charge, do I?

    1. No. The right to a free public education applies to all children, not just some. The right to a free public education is not related to income. The right applies to all children in Maryland.


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