
Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Positive results for COVID on rapid tests at State House complex; multiple Maryland senators miss floor session

Positive results from “several” rapid coronavirus tests at the State House complex kept a number of senators off the chamber floor Tuesday and in a precautionary quarantine as lawmakers awaited the results of more accurate tests. Senate President Bill Ferguson announced the positive results to the Senate chamber and said public health officials have begun extensive contact tracing of anyone potentially exposed to the virus.

Six of the Senate’s 47 members missed the chamber’s 11 a.m. floor session, although it wasn’t clear how many of those received positive results, how many were quarantining as a precaution because they were a close contact of a potential case or whether any missed the session for other reasons.

However, Sen. Shelly Hettleman and Sen. Susan Lee both told The Baltimore Sun that they were asked to quarantine as a precaution because they’d potentially been in contact with someone who tested positive Tuesday on a rapid test...

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