
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Baltimore County School Superintendent Angers Council Over Lack Of Ransomware Details

The Baltimore County Council grilled School Superintendent Darryl Williams Tuesday over details about November’s ransomware attack.

Council members were not happy with Williams’ answers.

Democratic County Councilman Tom Quirk asked Williams if the school system paid off the hackers and if so, would insurance cover it. Williams’ answer dealt with the overall cost of the ransomware attack.

“I won’t have those final amounts until later in spring, maybe May or June,” Williams said.

So, Quirk asked again.

“I guess the direct question is did Baltimore County Public Schools pay ransom? It’s just a direct question.”

Williams responded, “We’ve used our resources to help us repair and restore.”

Quirk said he wants an answer on whether a ransom was paid before the council signs off on the school system’s budget this spring. The public schools account for about half of the county’s $3.8 billion spending plan.

“I’m not prepared to vote on the budget until we have a better answer on that one,” Quirk said...

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