
Monday, March 8, 2021

Keep or Toss? Tues. March 9th- County Council to Vote in Closed Session Re: Keeping Public School in BCC Cluster or Permitting Land to be Used without Restriction. No Public Comment.

What is going to happen to the former Montgomery County Public School building and land at 9411 Connecticut Avenue in Kensington?  

The school and land are currently owned by Grace Episcopal Church. The property was transferred to Grace Episcopal Church in 1999.  

The school building was built with tax dollars and has been in continuous use.  Will these empty classrooms be used for public school education or will this public school building be torn down and the land cleared for housing?  

Here's what we know about this property:  The school and land were put up for sale in 2020.  The Offering Summary states that, "Offers will be accepted through October 2020 and seller will evaluate offers and select a purchaser by the end of November 2020."  

The Offering Summary notes that there is a Limitation of Land Use as detailed in the original 1999 Deed for the property.  

The Property has the limitation that it be used for educational purposes.  However, if the Property is to be no longer used for educational purposes the Property is to first be offered back to Montgomery County at the fair market value.  

The Montgomery County Executive may accept the offer subject to Montgomery County Council approval of an appropriation.

IF the Montgomery County Council DECLINES the appropriation of funds to purchase the Property, Grace Episcoal Church may use/transfer the Property for any legal purpose without restriction.  

It appears the Property has been offered back to Montgomery County as the decision on what will become of this former public school site will be made by the Montgomery County Council tomorrow, March 9, 2021 in CLOSED SESSION.  

No public comment, no public notice on what should happen to this paid for public school.  The entire decisionmaking process will happen behind closed doors. 

Will the County Council decide to acquire the school and keep it in use for educational purposes, or will the County Council decline the appropriation and allow the Property to be sold for other uses?  

We would tell you to tune in tomorrow, but the decision will be made in a Closed Session out of the public view. 

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