
Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Vermont bill would end time limit for civil physical abuse

 by reporter Wilson Ring. Full story here.

The bill, approved by a vote of 29-0, builds on legislation passed two years ago that ended the statute of limitations for civil cases of past childhood sexual abuse.

The proposal that passed Tuesday was pushed by a group of now-aging people who say they suffered physical abuse while living at the St. Joseph’s Orphanage in Burlington, which closed in 1974.


The bill is only for those who would seek civil damages for injuries suffered as a result of childhood physical abuse. The legislation defines physical abuse as any act that when it was committed would have been considered aggravated assault.

The legislation does not apply in criminal cases.

The legislation would allow damages against an entity that “employed, supervised, or had responsibility for the person allegedly committing the physical abuse only if there is a finding of gross negligence on the part of the entity.”

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