
Saturday, May 1, 2021

Ed & Culture Comm mtg. May 3rd on FY22 MCCPS and Montg College Operating Budgets

 Education and Culture Committee holds virtual meeting on May 3 to review FY22 Operating Budgets for Montgomery County Public Schools and Montgomery College

For Immediate Release: Friday, April 30, 2021

The Education & Culture (E&C) Committee will meet on Monday, May 3 at 1:30 p.m. to review the operating budget for Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) and the operating budget and FY21-26 CIP amendments for Montgomery College.

The members of the Education & Culture (E&C) Committee include Chair Craig Rice and Councilmembers Will Jawando (Lead for Libraries) and Nancy Navarro.

Montgomery County Public Schools FY22 Operating Budget

Review: The E&C Committee will review the requested $2,780,512,190 FY22 MCPS Operating Budget, which fully funds the operating request from MCPS and is $40,418,494 above the Maintenance of Effort level required for FY22. This is an increase of $24,255,131 or 0.88 percent from the FY21 Approved Budget.

The Board of Education (BOE) projects a total enrollment of 164,890 MCPS students for FY22, which is an increase of 4,324 students from FY21 enrollment. The FY21 budget originally projected 167,041 students, but due to COVID-19 and remote learning, public school systems across the state saw declines in official enrollment.

The budget request includes $882.2 million in State Aid funding. The total amount includes $31.3 million in restricted and unrestricted Blueprint for Maryland’s Future funding and $29.7 million in Hold Harmless Grants to address what would have been a decrease in State Aid due to the decline in official enrollment counts.

The budget request also includes $30 million to implement the 2.5-Year Plan for Moving from Thinking about the Number of Students to the Level of Need Among Students. This approach will focus on four areas of support, which include: mitigating learning disruption across schools, focusing on the most poverty impacted schools, well-being support and digital learning.

Those expected to attend and provide information include Dr. Jack Smith, superintendent, MCPS; Dr. Monifa McKnight, deputy superintendent of schools, MCPS; Dr. Janet Wilson, chief of teaching, learning, and schools, MCPS; Derek Turner, chief of engagement, innovation, and operations, MCPS; Essie McGuire, associate superintendent of operations, MCPS; Daniel Marella, associate superintendent of finance, MCPS; Thomas Klausing, executive director of finance, MCPS; Ivón Alfonzo-Windsor, supervisor of the budget unit, MCPS; and Rich Harris, fiscal and policy analyst, Office of Management and Budget.

Montgomery College FY22 Operating Budget and FY21-26 CIP

Review: The Committee will also review the $312.6 million Montgomery College (MC) FY22 Operating Budget and FY21-26 CIP and resume discussions from March related to a non-recommended reduction of $1.433 million in FY22 current revenue to use toward the Information Technology: College Project.

The College’s total requested budget reflects a decrease of $5.8 million from FY21, however the County’s contribution request increased by $500,000 from FY21 to support two County-led initiatives: Montgomery Can Code (MCC) and the Innovation Hub Initiative. Each project is expected to receive $250,000.

MCC delivers summer coding camps to MCPS middle school children to help start early preparation of a skilled workforce. The Innovation Hub is an outgrowth of MCC and will be accessible to all community residents. Located at the College’s Mannakee Building on Rockville Pike, the Hub will feature collaborative spaces to expand access to education in STEM fields, technology, local entrepreneurship and community-based problem solving.

The College’s FY22 operating budget assumes no increase in tuition. The rate per semester hour is the same as FY20 and FY21: $132 for County residents; $269 for State residents; and $374 for nonresidents. The College’s Fall 2021 credit-hour enrollment is projected at a total of 19,236 students or 380,096 credit hours, which represents a 6.75 percent decrease from the FY21 budgeted credit hours.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created enrollment uncertainties for community colleges across the nation. In the first year of the pandemic, the College’s Fall 2020 enrollment saw a decline of six percent from the prior year, which is less than the 10 percent average decline at institutions nationally. Due to the pandemic, the College has been awarded federal and state relief funding for both institutional purposes and direct student aid.

The College did not request new positions for FY22, with full-time and part-time faculty and staff forgoing wage increases as well. In addition, the College has implemented a hiring freeze through July 2021.

Those expected to attend and provide information include Dr. DeRionne Pollard, president, MC; Linda Hickey, budget coordinator, MC, Liz Greaney, chief business and financial strategy officer, MC; Susan Madden, chief government relations officer, MC; Donna Schena, senior vice president for administrative and fiscal services, MC; Kristina Schramm, interim director, capital Planning, design, and engineering, MC; and Rafael Murphy, fiscal and policy analyst, Office of Management and Budget.

The Committee meeting schedule may change from time to time. The current Council and Committee agendas, Council staff reports and additional information on items scheduled for Council review can be viewed at:

On the guidance of Health Officer and Chief of Public Health Services Dr. Travis Gayles, there is currently no public access to the Council Office Building. The virtual Council and Committee meetings will be streamed live on the Council’s web page via YouTube and on Facebook Live and can be watched on County Cable Montgomery on Xfinity/RCN 6 HD 996/1056, Fios 30, and on the CCM live stream.

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