
Thursday, May 13, 2021

Exclusive: See Jack Smith's New Cell Tower for Old Georgetown Road - Woodward High School Reopening

The Parents' Coalition has obtained a copy of the construction plans for the new cell tower at the Woodward High School Reopening site at 11211 Old Georgetown Road in Rockville.  

On Tuesday, May 11th, Superintendent Jack Smith attempted to get the Board of Education to approve this new cell tower.  However, Superintendent Smith's Memorandum to the Board of Education was factually incorrect and was pulled from the Agenda prior to any Board discussion or vote. 

Superintendent Jack Smith's Memorandum to the Board of Education did not include the plans for the new cell tower or any images showing what the cell tower might look like.  

The Board of Education was poised to approve this new cell tower sight unseen. 

Below is an image showing approximately where we believe the new cell tower would be placed based on the construction plans.  

This new cell tower would be toward the front of the new Woodward High School building (after demolition and construction) on Old Georgetown Road.  The new cell tower will be 75 feet high and taller than the new high school being built at this site.  There will be a 40' x 40' compound around the base of the cell tower. 

We have created this image based on the plans submitted to Montgomery County for the construction of this cell tower.  This image is our best guess as to where the cell tower would be located.  

Obviously, Superintendent Jack Smith would be in the best position to release an accurate image of the location and size of this new cell tower, but to date an official image has not been made public.   

This image is taken from the Montgomery County Board of Education's presentation of the plans for the new high school at the Woodward High School site on Old Georgetown Road in Rockville.  
We have added to the image a cell tower in the approximate location shown in the construction plans. The image shows the front of the building as it would be seen from Old Georgetown Road.

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