
Saturday, May 15, 2021

Think of a virus where 70% of kids are totally asymptomatic, less than 1% have severe symptoms, and less than 0.05% die. Phew that's no big deal for kids then! Don't worry about them! Oops actually it's polio in the 1950s

14 May, 5 tweets, 1 min read
Think of a virus where 70% of kids are totally asymptomatic, less than 1% have severe symptoms, and less than 0.05% die. Phew that's no big deal for kids then! Don't worry about them!

Oops actually it's polio in the 1950s…
Polio in the 1950s caused lifelong disability to so many children that it changed the trajectory of the disability rights movement even though less than 1% of all kids who caught polio had any form of paralysis. 
And despite "low" rates of severe illness or death in kids, parents in the 1950s were scared enough to close community pools, camps, etc. Many of those parents fought in WWII, they weren't "soft" - they recognized a risk and tried to minimize it. 
It's really concerning that so many people seem willing to just abandon safety measures right now even though almost no kids under 12 have been vaccinated. 
Hopefully as case rates go down we can be less cautious but I'm really concerned about COVID ripping through the pediatric population and causing serious health problems for a lot of kids.

1 comment:

  1. CDC announced that, as of 05/14/21, it would only report "infections that lead to hospitalization or death because those have the 'greatest clinical and public health importance,'” reported by, 05/14/21. Why is the Biden administration cooking the COVID numbers?! (01/23/21) previously reminded readers: "Asymptomatic coronavirus infection is not necessarily benign. Several studies have reported abnormal lung scans in those infected without symptoms, as well as myocarditis, a type of heart inflammation (including in young people). The long-term health implications of asymptomatic infection aren’t known."


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