
Thursday, June 17, 2021

A couple months ago I wrote an article about SMOB candidate Hana O’Looney coming to speak to Watkins Mill students. However, there’s a lot omitted from that article...

A couple months ago I wrote an article about SMOB candidate Hana O’Looney coming to speak to Watkins Mill students. However, there’s a lot omitted from that article, such as the events that led up to O’Looney visiting. And now that enough time has passed I think it’s safe for me to say what really happened, without getting in too much trouble. Plus I graduated, so like what can they do to me now.

So consider this a letter of confession. An admission of guilt. How I impersonated- well really an entire school club- just to talk to a girl.

It all started on February 17, 2021. The two final candidates had been announced for SMOB, Henry Kaye and Hana O’Looney.

I remember being in a group chat with many of my friends discussing the two candidates. I thought Hana was kinda cute and made a joke about “sliding into her dms,” and my friends jokingly encouraged me. Now, the normal thing to do, would’ve been to just leave it at that, a joke; but if you know anything about me, you know I couldn’t just leave things there...

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