
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

NEA: antisemitic resolutions being discussed at the NEA Annual Meeting now

The NEA pulls a fast one and endorses antisemitism in two resolutions on the floor. The Montgomery County Education Association, our teachers' union, is a unit of the NEA. Yet our MCPS teachers can't find out who their delegates to the NEA Annual Meeting are. The American Jewish Congress, a well-respected organization, and one of the oldest Jewish organizations, has put out the following Press release.

From June 29th – July 3rd, the National Education Association (NEA) will hold its annual conference, during which its approximately 8000 delegate members will vote on future NEA policy. NEA represents public school teachers, faculty, and staffers at colleges and universities, retired educators, and college students preparing to become teachers. Two of the New Business Items listed on the agenda are one-sided and divisive and should be strongly opposed. 

AJC joins the NEA Jewish Affairs Caucus (JAC) in urging that all voting delegates vote NO on Resolution 29 and Resolution 51

  • Item 29 (NBI 29), which would call on NEA to publicize its support of the Palestinian struggle for justice and accuses Israel of “ethnic cleansing.”
  • Item 51 (NBI 51) would advocate for the NEA to “advocate for the end of detention, occupation and abuse of Palestinian children,” as well as partner with “No Way to Treat a Child,” an anti-Israel campaign made up of several organizations that support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.


  • These Business Items are directly at odds with NEA’s principles of inclusivity, diversity, and fostering diverse viewpoints. 
  • Taking up one-sided, divisive political items causes division within the NEA at a time when educators are facing numerous challenges and public education is under attack.
  • As our country emerges from COVID-19, all those who care about public education should be united and focused on ensuring our educational institutions are prepared for the challenges ahead.
  • We are asking that delegates vote NO on these divisive resolutions.

If you are an NEA member, and more importantly, VOTING DELEGATE to their convention, please contact the NEA Jewish Affairs Caucus (JAC), which is spearheading the opposition to these resolutions. For more information, please contact Arieh Lebowitz ( and include your name, email, city and state.


This is the New Business Item No. 29 text, found here

The NEA will publicize its support for the Palestinian struggle for justice and call on the United States government to stop arming and supporting Israel and Saudi Arabia. The NEA will further publicize its support for refugee status for the millions of people across the region who are forced to move and seek refuge for themselves and their families because of the ongoing conflict and repression.


The Arab population of Palestine has again risen up in a heroic struggle against military repression and “ethnic cleansing” by the Israeli state and extreme nationalist forces in Israeli society. The NEA’s support of this struggle will weaken reaction internationally.


  1. Why does it matter on a board that focuses on public education?

  2. Why does it matter on a board that focuses on public education?


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