
Wednesday, July 21, 2021

12 Climate Groups Calling For Climate and Social Justice Statement on 5G Cell Tower ZTA 19-07 - Letter to Montgomery County Council

Dear County Councilmembers, 

Our organizations recently became aware of the potential climate implications of the Zoning Text Amendment - ZTA 19-07 - Telecommunications Towers - Limited Use. 

We are concerned that the increase in the number of 4G and 5G small cell towers in neighborhoods could result in an increase in energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in Montgomery County, as well as a significant reduction in the tree canopy throughout the county. These impacts would prevent the County from achieving our goals identified in the Emergency Climate Mobilization Resolution No. 18-974 to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2027 and by 100% by 2035. Additionally, we are concerned that these same climate impacts will disproportionately worsen the negative effects on communities of color, people of low income and other vulnerable households in the County. See the list of studies and reports identifying these outcomes and concerns. 

Section G-8 of the County’s Climate Action Plan, which is entitled Evaluate and Update County Planning, Policy, and Operations Activities to Reduce Greenhouse Gases states that “Climate-related contracts should require equity-enhancing measures that proactively engage and improve the socioeconomic conditions of communities disproportionately impacted by systemic inequities such as low income, race, and/or immigration status, and communities considered most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. This action also includes establishment of a climate impact statement to evaluate all pending bills, budgets, plans and land use decisions.” 
As a result, before any vote on ZTA 19-07 takes place, we ask the County Council to provide both a climate impact statement and a racial equity and social justice statement on the implications of this proposed ZTA. 
Additionally, we ask that you support County Executive Marc Elrich’s proposal on June 29, 2021 to convene a working group comprised of a diverse group of stakeholders, including industry, residents, municipalities and homeowner/tenant associations, non-profit organizations and executive and council staff for a limited time, perhaps 75 - 90 days, to allow for the opportunity for a more complete discussion of the issues after which their recommendations can be presented to the Council. We appreciate your consideration of these requests. 

We look forward to hearing from you very soon. 

Best regards, MoCo
Bethesda Green Biodiversity for a Livable Climate 
Cedar Lane Ecosystems Study Group 
Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church 
Environmental Justice Ministry 
Give a Shift 
Glen Echo Heights Mobilization 
Montgomery Countryside Alliance 
One Montgomery 
Green Takoma Park 
Mobilization Environment Committee (TPMEC) 
TAME Coalition (Transit Alternatives to Mid-County Highway Extended) 
The Climate Mobilization, Montgomery County Chapter

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