
Sunday, July 18, 2021

Opinion: Allowing Unfettered Access to Build Cell Towers in the Name of 5G Is Bad Policy

The Montgomery County Council is poised to pass legislation that will flood our neighborhoods with 5G cell towers. While the entire process has completely ignored the will and needs of Montgomery County residents, it is also antithetical to the county’s declared climate emergency and goal of zero carbon emissions by 2035.

This bill puts the wireless industry in the driver’s seat, disregarding the voice of county residents, leading to a never-ending cycle of new “smart” devices and constant consumption, ultimately drastically increasing our energy use with no end in sight.

This would be concerning anywhere, but sitting just outside Washington, D.C., our county boasts some of the most politically engaged people in the country, especially when it comes to climate justice. Yet the county council is trying to ram through policy that will counter our broader global efforts, paving the way for unfettered and unrestrained wireless network growth worldwide in the process...

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